Friday, October 31, 2014
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
What is recreation? What is the best recreation?
Student Success Statement
"The best recreation is to do good." - William Penn
What this quote means to me is that best kind of recreation is always going to be doing good. There are many kinds of recreation, sports, parks, theaters, etc. But the best kind we may ever choose to do is to do good, because it makes us feel good as individuals, and gives us a positive perspective of life as well as give a positive perspective of ourselves.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Professional Soccer Player
Professional Soccer Player
Research: Look for and provide the following:
Duties and Responsibilities: Soccer is a demanding sport that requires a combination of skill, stamina, coordination and athleticism. Soccer players must be able to run long distances--many miles in the course of game--but also turn on bursts of speed to chase down long balls or track streaking wingers on the flanks. In addition, the capacity to learn
complex modern systems that demand precise positioning is required at the higher levels of the sport. Your job description should include all these, along with superb ball skills. It also depends what position you play. If your a Goalkeeper, you don't really need the above, although, it's recommended and really helps.
Salary: $141,903.13 a year.
Education: N/A
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? Of course, I would love to be one! Soccer is my favorite sport, and I spend countless hours playing it with my friends. I really enjoy it and would love to make it a career for myself, although I understand that I must have education, even if none is required, in order to be able to have a backup, in case if I get injured.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
Right is Right even if everyone is against it, Wrong is Wrong even if everyone is for it - William Penn
What this quote means to me is that if everyone is willing to do or support things like drugs, sex, or alcohol, it doesn't mean you should do it as well, because we all have a sense of judgement of whether something is right or something is wrong. You might say no to drugs, no to any bad influence, and many might disagree with you, but that's their problem, not yours, you always choose what is right in this life, and you are guaranteed to live a happy and successful.
Yoga Therapist
Yoga Therapist
Online Research: Look for and provide the following information. Publish your information as a new post in your Electronic Portfolio.
Duties and Responsibilities: Help Patients be aware of the usefulness of Yoga education in order to help them achieve greater physical as well as mental well being through safe Yoga practice.
Salary: Yoga therapists may make from $36,900 median average wage to $66,530
Education: Yoga therapists are well-trained in many areas of health therapy, healing and overall wellness. Schools of yoga train from many different perspectives. Some many include separate units on Ayurveda, although this is not required to become a yoga therapist and does not impact the knowledge necessary to become a competent yoga therapist.Competent yoga therapists must build on a foundation in anatomy, basic physiology, and modern healthcare terminology. Other teachings may include the philosophy of yoga, perspectives of yoga and the mind and yoga practices. Students generally must practice a minimum of 800 hours in a basic yoga therapy program teaching core competencies. 600 contact hours with clients are also required for the International Association of Yoga Therapist program. Other programs may have other requirements.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? I feel like this seems like a very interesting career because you get to teach patients self awareness as well as good well being in order to achieve relief from any stress and discomfort.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Peter Vidmar
Student Success Statement
Don't Sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often." - Peter Vidmar
What this quote means to me is that we should focus on our priorities rather than what we want or what we want to do now. We should write down our goals in life and refer to them often, in order to succeed in life.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Chromotherapy or Color Therapy
Chromotherapy/Color Therapy
Online Research:
Go Online. Look for and provide the following information. Publish your information as a new post in your Electronic Portfolio.
Duties and Responsibilities: therapy (also known as chromotherapy) is a complementary medicine. Color therapists believe that it is possible to use light in the form of color, to balance energy to help physical, mental or emotional problems.If you are interested in complementary medicine and believe that color influences our moods and emotions, then this could be the career for you.
Salary: £30 and £60 an hour.
Educational Requirements: You can prepare to work in color therapy by taking a certificate or diploma, like those awarded by the Vocational Training Charitable Trust (VTCT) or The Association of Natural Medicine (ANM).Alternatively, you could start by doing shorter courses, which can be useful as an introduction or for general interest. Color therapy may sometimes be included as part of a broader complementary or holistic therapy course, so check with training providers about this.You may find experience or qualifications in counselling, anatomy and physiology useful for entry to some courses. It can also be helpful if you have experience of working in a caring profession.
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Reflection: I honestly think I would like to study Color therapy because it seems like an interesting way to treat people without using drugs. I feel that I would be a good Candidate since I love Color. But in the end, I hope I am able to find out more about this interesting career.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
"A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. - Proverbs 22:1
What this quote means to me is that who you known for being, or even better off who you are as a individual is worth more than any riches, gold, silver, etc. You can be a Billionaire, but if you, yourself, are known for being arrogant greedy and always wanting more possessions, this makes you undesirable by anybody, and basically a bad person.
Monday, October 13, 2014
Coach K's quote
Student Success Statement:
"A good name is better than anything you can achieve in this life."- Coach K ( Mike Krzyzewski ).
What this quote means to me is that having a good reputation amongst society is the best thing you can achieve in life. When I mean good reputation, it isn't being the most handsome, the most rich, or the most popular person, but it means being known for your character and your personality towards others that gives you a good name, for your hard work, intelligence, and obedience.
National Holiday- Columbus Day
Columbus Day
Explorer and navigator Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 in the Republic of Genoa, Italy. His first voyage into the Atlantic Ocean in 1476 nearly cost him his life. Columbus participated in several other expeditions to Africa. 1492, Columbus left Spain in the Santa Maria, with the Pinta and the Niña along side. He has been credited for opening up the Americas to European colonization. Ever since he discovered America, we have made a special holiday that gives most people day's off from work, school, etc, to acknowledge his discovery every October 13. Many states as well as Countries celebrate this holiday. However some do not including Hawaii, South Dakota, Alaska, etc, recognizing the genocide Columbus brought towards Native Americans, therefore, they replace this day with a day reserved for Native Americans.
Christopher Columbus
Genocide against Native Americans
Columbus's discovery of the America's
Reflection: Write your thoughts, feelings, and insights.- I feel that Christopher Columbus is an interesting person, due to his rich history as being ,"The Father of the America's". I feel that although he did discover America, I feel the genocide against Native Americans, is a big reason why at least here in California, we do not celebrate Columbus day.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Student Success Statement
Student Success Statement
" A CTR Champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself." - Noemi Trigueros
What this quote means to me is that a real champion or a CTR champion, makes a great person out of himself. If you CTR, you are on the road to making a great person out of yourself. You can expect success and happiness in your life by being Great person/ a CTR Champion.
Fire fighter
Fire Fighter
Duties and Responsibilities: The role of a firefighter
covers a diverse
range of tasks, some you'll do every day while others
are less frequent. They include:
- responding immediately and safely to emergency calls and requests for assistance;
- attending emergency incidents including fires, road accidents, floods, terrorist incidents, spillages of dangerous substances, and rail and air crashes;
- rescuing trapped people and animals;
- minimizing distress and suffering, including giving first aid before ambulance crews arrive;
- safeguarding your own and other people's personal safety at all times;
- cleaning up and checking the site after dealing with an incident;
- taking time to become familiar with local streets, roads and buildings so you can respond to emergency calls with speed and efficiency;
- inspecting and maintaining the appliance (fire engine) and its equipment, assisting in testing fire hydrants and checking emergency water supplies;
- undertaking drills and physical training and taking part in training on techniques, use of equipment and related matters;
- maintaining the level of physical fitness necessary to carry out all the duties of a firefighter;
- educating and informing the public to promote fire safety by giving talks in schools and to local organisations, as well as home visits to offer advice, etc;
- maintaining links with the local community.
At management level, you'll perform extra supervisory
activities which include managing operational incidents
stations. You'll find that the operational aspects of
firefighting, although important, are a minor part of a
senior manager's role in a large service. Responsibilities
typically include:
- assessing situations quickly and deciding on the best course of action;
- directing the crew;
- writing full incident reports;
- fire investigation;
- budget administration and control;
- allocation of personnel and resources to achieve
- performance targets;
- negotiating with representative bodies;
- dealing with external agencies;
- planning and resource management;
- dealing with political aspects of the Fire and Rescue Authority (FRA).
Salary: median annual wage: $43,043
Education: At the very least a Bachelor's degree is needed. Any higher education, can give you a better chance of obtaining that career.
Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? I honestly, think I would like to be one. I like to help people in any way I can, even if it means risking my own life. This job requires a person who is able to risk his own life to save others, which I would like to do. Don't get me wrong, this is a serious job as well as a very dangerous one, but I feel that I'd be a good candidate, I'll do whatever it takes, even if it means to save the oldest or youngest life.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Chinese (Oriental Medicine)
Chinese (Oriental) Medicine
Online Research:Go Online. Look for and provide the following information. Publish your information as a new post in your Electronic Portfolio.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) originated in ancient China and has evolved
over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use herbal medicines and various
mind and body practices, such as acupuncture and tai chi, to treat or prevent
health problems. In the United States, people use TCM primarily as a
complementary health approach. This fact sheet provides a general overview of
TCM and suggests sources for additional information. TCM practitioners use a
variety of techniques in an effort to promote health and treat disease. In the
United States, the most commonly used approaches include Chinese herbal
medicine, acupuncture, and tai chi.
Chinese herbal medicine, the Chinese Material Medical
(a pharmacological reference book used by TCM practitioners) describes
thousands of medicinal substances—primarily plants, but also some minerals and
animal products. Different parts of plants, such as the leaves, roots, stems,
flowers, and seeds, are used. In TCM, herbs are often combined in formulas and
given as teas, capsules, liquid extracts, granules, or powders.
Acupuncture is a family of procedures involving the
stimulation of specific points on the body using a variety of techniques. The
acupuncture technique that has been most often studied scientifically involves
penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metal needles that are manipulated by
the hands or by electrical stimulation.
Tai chi is a centuries-old mind and body practice. It involves gentle, dance-like body movements with mental focus, breathing, and relaxation.
Salary: $52,000
Education: Bachelor degree or higher
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Honestly, this seems like an interesting career due to the fact you get to treat patients with herbal remedies, acupuncture, acupressure, etc, to promote well being as a whole, rather than relying on drug prescriptions. Like I said, it's an interesting career and hopefully whatever I end up being, I hope it's the best Career I could possibly get.
Friday, October 3, 2014
What is Goal Setting?
"Student Success Statement"
"Goal setting is goal getting, Set and get." - Mark Victor Hansen
What this goal means to me is that if we set goals for ourselves in life, we'll be able to meet most of those goals. You set a goal, and once you do you typically work up to trying to accomplish that goal, so what Victor Hansen is saying is that the goals we set, usually leads to the goals we achieve.
Cellular Therapy
Cellular Therapy
Go Online. Look for and provide the following information. Publish your information as a new post in your Electronic Portfolio.
Duties and Responsibilities: Therapy in which cellular material is injected into a Patient, this generally means intact, living cells. For example, T-cells capable of fighting cancer cells via cell-mediated immunity may be
injected in the course of immunotherapy.
Salary: N/A
Education: N/A
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Wednesday, October 1, 2014
What goal is always a Building Block?
Student Success Statement
"When Obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation: instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block." - James E. Faust
What this goal means to me is that once we accept Obediance into our lives, it is no longer something we have to think about, it becomes a habit. Instead of it being an obstacle, it is like a tool you can always use in life, in order to be a successful person.
Online Research:
Go Online. Look for and provide the following information. Publish your information as a new post in your Electronic Portfolio.
Duties and Responsibilities: Cardiologists are physicians who have received additional training to
prevent, diagnose and treat conditions of the cardiovascular system, which includes the heart and the body's blood vessels.
Salary: Cardiologists who do not perform invasive procedures earn between $346,266 and $457,921 per year. Those who do perform invasive procedures have a salary range of $373,500 to $532,000.
Education: First, an aspiring cardiologist must have a bachelor's degree in order to get into medical school. The most logical pre-med bachelor degrees include courses in chemistry, mathematics, engineering or psychology. Then one must gain a passing score on the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test).The four years in medical school covers standard medical terminology, medical judgment and clinical standard procedures. Potential cardiologists who complete the ten years of educational preparation must then pass an exam administered by the American Board of Internal Medicine.
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Reflection: Do you think you would like to be one? Why? Why not? I honestly think I would like to be one it seems like a very interesting Career. I would love to learn our cardiovascular system as well as to prevent, diagnose, and treat cardiovascular diseases, etc. But in the end I’d be able to help someone out which for me is a great feeling.
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